Investment Guide

Tianjin Investment Promotion Association


Founded on October 19, 2016, Tianjin Investment Promotion Association is located in No 10 Xiuchuan Road in Xiqing District.

Laws and regulations I


Measures for the Administration on the Establishment of Partnership Business by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals in China

Laws and regulations II


Circular of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Further Enhancement and Regulation of the Administration of Foreign Investment Projects

Laws and regulations III


Circular of the Ministry of Commerce on Further Improving Examination and Approval of Foreign Investment

Regulations on Administration of Foreign Law Firms' Representative Offices in China


These Regulations are applicable to the establishment of representative offices in China (hereinafter referred to as "representative offices") by foreign law firms and the legal service activities they conduct.

Provisions on Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises


Foreign-invested telecommunications enterprises mean the enterprises providing telecommunications services which are established according to law with joint investment and in the form of Chinese-foreign joint ventures by foreign and Chinese investors within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies


These Regulations are formulated to meet the need of opening up to the outside world and developing economy, to strengthen and improve the supervision and administration of foreign-funded insurance companies.

Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures


The Chinese Government protects, according to law, the investment of foreign joint ventures, the profits due them and their other lawful rights and interests in an equity joint venture, pursuant to the agreement, contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese Government.

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